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Antoine Campo, ma vie dans l'art

Antoine Campo, ma vie dans l'art

Antoine Campo est metteur en scène de théâtre et d'opéra. Il s'est produit à Paris dans les salles les plus prestigieuses : Théâtre de l'Athénée, Opéra Bastille, Gaveau et aussi à New York, Edinburgh, Santander. Artiste pluridisciplinaire, il réalise des clips et la direction artistique pour la photo et le livre d’art. Professeur de Communication à l'ENSIIE, grande école parisienne.

Le printemps sera photographique

Publié le 3 Avril 2014, 16:06pm

Un duo d'artistes visuels est né : Campo et Burckel ! En 2015, une grande exposition de notre travail photographique avec K.rine Burckel sera présenté.

Photo © Campo et Burckel (AbstractProject)

Photo © Campo et Burckel (AbstractProject)

The magazine has redefined the boundaries and possibilities of contemporary art photography, and is renowned worldwide for unearthing fresh talent and influencing galleries and collectors alike.

Masterfully curated by Eyemazing Susan, founder of Eyemazing magazine and one of the most original minds in the photography world today, this comprehensive book is just as groundbreaking as the magazine itself.

Featuring work by 131 photographers, including such famous figures as Michael Ackerman, Bettina Rheims, Sally Mann, K.rine Burckel and Roger Ballen, alongside those Eyemazing Susan has discovered and championed, this book brings together a selection of the best work published in Eyemazing magazine over the last ten years into two ethereal streams of imagery: ‘Dreams and Memories of a Past Life’ and ‘Our Body, Our Cage. Our Body, Our Home’.

With outstanding reproductions on an ambitious scale and supporting essays and biographical profiles of the featured artists, Eyemazing is an unprecedented opportunity to have the very best of the new collectible art photography in a single, novel volume.


Karine Burckel in Eyemazing list of photographers

Karine Burckel in Eyemazing list of photographers

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